Código de Barras

Tina Escaja

en Español


Market Women by Tina Escaja MARKET WOMEN Market women
arraigning the sparkling pots and fruits.
Mountains of bananas,
shelves laden with candied sweets and yams,
the large family,
from time to time a hat as adornment.

Hands resting
like tired birds on an apron of dreams delayed.
Hands wizened by contention and disputes,
from the kneading of casaba, coconut bread,
an Eden of roots and tubers, the usual gossip
that outlines the doubtfulor radiant smile.

The one next to the vegetables considers
the insolence and struggle.
The youngest ponders her role as silent anchor.
Almost all cherish their moment of drowsiness,
so serene and noble,peaceful, exhausted.

Grown women and children
who sell in markets on the prairie, along the coast
and everywhere,
who clear out with the daily sweep,
at mornings end,
the rotten fruit of the sameness of their days.